Archive for April, 2017

Updated Notes on Authentication of Cuban Documentation

Posted on: April 24th, 2017 by Adam Freeman

SDR Educational Consultants, Inc.

(Evaluations and Translations)

Notes regarding authentication of Cuban documentation

The Embassy of Cuba in Washington, D.C. (1) legalizes current diplomas and transcripts and (2) requests transcripts and diplomas directly from Cuba.

  • Legalization: The embassy sends documents to MINREX in Cuba; once documents are back from MINREX to the embassy, the embassy legalizes with stamps and seals.
  • Document request: The embassy can request duplicate diplomas and transcripts.

Contact information:

Consular section of Embassy of Cuba in Washington, DC:

Consular Jurisdiction:
Address: 2630 16th street NW Washington DC 20009
Phones: 202-797-8518 / -8519 / -8520

Fax:  202-797-8521

(4-19-17:  Link has been updated.)

Servicios consulares / consular services  (very detailed information on various types of services including request for educational documents:

Language button at top will lead to English…mostly.

Legalización y certificación de documentos cubanos / Legalization and certification of Cuban documents:

Servicio que se ofrece para que los documentos emitidos en nuestro país surtan efecto en el exterior, para ello deben. / Service offered so that documents issued in our country take effect abroad; they should:

  • Los documentos cubanos, para que surtan efecto en el exterior deben estar primeramente legalizados por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (MINREX) y luego por nuestro consulado. Es por ello que, cuando usted necesite legalizar un documento, puede realizarlo a través de nuestro consulado, por lo que debe. / To take effect abroad, Cuban documents must first be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX) and then by our consulate. That is why, when you need to legalize a document, you can do it through our consulate, so you must:
  • Presentar en el consulado el documento original, legalizado por el MINREX y un Postal Money Order por $40.00 USD, para legalizarlo en el consulado. / At the consulate, present the original document legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Postal Money Order for $ 40.00 USD to legalize at the consulate.
  • Si ya Usted tiene el documento, el consulado ofrece el servicio de enviarlo al MINREX a legalizar, que tiene un costo de $25.00 USD, sólo por el envío. / If you have the document, the consulate offers the service of sending it to the Foreign Ministry to legalize, which has a cost of $ 25.00 USD, just for shipping.
  • Cuando llegue el documento legalizado por el MINREX, se le contactará para que envie un Postal Money Order de $80.00 USD (40.00 USD por la legalización del MINREX y $40.00 USD por la legalización en el consulado). / When the document legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, you will be contacted to send a Postal Money Order of $ 80.00 USD ($40.00 USD Minrex legalization and $40.00 USD for legalization at the consulate).
  • Recuerde que si no se presenta en el consulado debe añadir un  Postal Money Order por valor de $20.00 dólares (trámite no personal). / Remember that if you do not pick up at the consulate, you must add a Postal Money Order in the amount of $ 20.00 (non-personal pending).
  • No olvide el sobre de retorno. / Do not forget the return envelope.

(4-19-17:  Link is still operational.)

Solicitud de documento de estudio / request for educational document (template in pdf):

(4-19-17:  Link and contact information have been updated.)

In terms of reaching Consultoría Jurídica and/or Bufete Internacional, this information is provided by the US Embassy in Havana ( and republished by Sambla’s financial arm.

Consultoría Jurídica Internacional (Casa no. 1)
Calle 16 No. 314 e/ 3ra y 5ta
Miramar, Playa, Ciudad Habana
Phone: (+53) 7204-1318
(+53) 7204-8402
FAX: (+53) 7204-2303

Consultoría Jurídica Internacional (Casa no. 2)
Calle 22 no. 108 e/1ra y 3ra
Miramar, Playa, Ciudad Habana
Phone: (+53) 7204-5906/ (+53) 7204-5702
Fax: (+53) 7204-5721/ (+53) 7204-5717

Bufete de Servicios Especializados
23 y J Vedado, Ciudad Habana
Phone: (+53) 7832-6813 / (+53) 7832-6024
Fax: (+53) 7833-2159
E-MAIL: [email protected] or [email protected]

Bufete Internacional
Ave. 5ta no. 4002 Esq. a 40
Playa, Ciudad Habana
Phone: (+53) 7204-5126/27
(+53) 7204-5736/37
Fax: (+53) 7204-5125
E-MAIL: [email protected]

Provided by Barbara B. Glave; ATA-Certified Translator (S-E); Senior Credentials Analyst / Researcher;

SDR Educational Consultants, Inc.; 2600 Gessner, Suite 267; Houston, Texas 77080-3898;

713-460-3525 / Fax: 713-460-5344; [email protected] /

SDR is an Endorsed Member of AICE, the Association of International Credential Evaluators, Inc.

Setting the Standard for Credentials Evaluations

AICE 2017 Symposium Program

Posted on: April 24th, 2017 by Adam Freeman

The AICE 2017 Symposium Program is available for download: click here.

AICE 2017 Symposium Report

Posted on: April 24th, 2017 by Adam Freeman

The AICE 2017 Symposium Report is now available to view! Click here to download.

AICE Symposium Overview from AACRAO

Posted on: April 18th, 2017 by Adam Freeman

AACRAO released a report on AICE’s 2nd annual Symposium on April 6, 2017.

The report can be found here.