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AICE & AACRAO: Announcing Strategic Partnership

Posted on: April 11th, 2019 by Adam Freeman

The Association of International Credential Evaluators, Inc. (AICE) Announces Collaboration with The American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO)

AACRAO and AICE have signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on joint research efforts and publications and to uphold the mutual recognition of AICE and AACRAO IESC (International Education Standards Council) standards.

The question of how to become beautiful is of interest to many women. Beauty is a subjective concept. What is beautiful for one person may seem to another person the most ordinary or even ugly. This applies to everything: landscapes, cars, clothes, interiors, and of course – exterior. Therefore, it is important to understand that everyone will not be able to please, even if you are Miss World or a famous Hollywood beauty at But women at all times are worried about the same question: “How to become the most beautiful?” To achieve the goal, they spare no time, money, or effort. True, the very concept of beauty has changed greatly in different eras. Gray mouse How to be beautiful? History of beauty standards The standard of female beauty has changed constantly, depending on the historical period. In the Middle Ages, fragility was in vogue, which was sometimes achieved with the help of a banal hunger strike. Pale skin was a success, for which women used lead white. The presence of a high forehead was considered beautiful, for this medieval ladies shaved their hair above the forehead, visually enlarging it. Later (in the 18-19 centuries), already magnificent beauties were admired. The presence of fat folds, sloping shoulders, a magnificent bust was held in high esteem. The 20th century was marked by the popularity of such people as Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor and other Hollywood divas. Slim, but at the same time feminine and sexy women have come into fashion. At the end of the 20th century, incredible thinness became fashionable, everyone tried to look like “hangers” from the catwalk. In pursuit of beauty, the girls again starved themselves, earning health problems – both physical and psychological.

This partnership reflects a dedication to consistent interpretation of educational credentials, partnerships on joint endeavors, promotion of international educational professional development programs, and collaboration on AACRAO conference presentations and AICE Symposia.

“AICE has long been a collaborative partner in the work that we do pertaining to international recognition and placement recommendations.  We are excited to both formalize the collaboration and to continue to find ways to further our work. Now more than ever, the international education community must come together to support our institutions and smooth the path for our students. AICE is a great partner in this endeavor,” Melanie Gottlieb, AACRAO Deputy Director, said.

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AACRAO is a non-profit, voluntary, professional association of more than 11,000 higher education professionals who represent approximately 2,600 institutions in more than 40 countries. The association promotes the well-being and advancement of professionals in the higher education community by engaging members in the collaborative pursuit of excellence in admissions, registration, and enrollment services. AACRAO also provides relevant programs, professional development tools, and information resources necessary to chart the course for professional success.

AICE is non-profit national association of credential evaluation service providers approved by the U.S. Department of Education. AICE is at the forefront of establishing standards in credential assessment, and the evaluation reports of its Endorsed Members are widely accepted by U.S. colleges and universities, state and local government personnel departments, licensing boards, and other entities. AICE Endorsed Members produce evaluation reports based on expert research that are used by foreign-trained individuals for employment, further education, licensure or immigration purposes.

“We are pleased with our partnership with AACRAO as it aligns with AICE’s core mission of collaborating with organizations committed to upholding standards on many fronts that can be beneficial to our members offering them greater insight to make more informed decisions on international education credentials,“ says Jasmin Saidi-Kuehnert, President of AICE. “AACRAO brings a wealth of experience, credibility, and strategic thinking that complements our approach,” she adds.

The AACRAO and AICE partnership will develop strategies to advocate for international education and advance international credential evaluation as a profession at both the state and federal levels.

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AICE is a signatory of the Groningen Declaration Network

Posted on: July 11th, 2018 by Adam Freeman

AICE joins the Groningen Declaration Network to foster the mutual sharing of information with the goal of improving student data mobility.
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A link to the announcement can be found here.

AACRAO Research Trip to Cuba

Posted on: June 5th, 2018 by Adam Freeman

In February 2018, a select group of AACRAO members, including AICE, participated in a research trip to Cuba, the first AACRAO trip to the island nation. The Cuba Project is the first in a series of projects intended to reinvigorate an international education research tradition. Read AACRAO’s report here.

Credential Evaluation as a Profession

Posted on: June 5th, 2018 by Adam Freeman

AICE gives advice on gaining confidence in credential evaluation. This diversity of initiation into the field means many professionals don’t have a clear sense of their potential professional development track – “It’s O.K. — there isn’t one single way to get into this career.” said Aleks Morawski, Director of Evaluation Services at Foreign Credits Inc. and Chair of Scholarship and Publicati on at AICE. Read the report on AACRAO’s site here.

AICE Joins AACRAO in Cuba

Posted on: June 5th, 2018 by Adam Freeman

AICE Joins AACRAO in Cuba: AACRAO has partnered with graduate researchers from the University of Maryland and George Washington University to collaborate in the Academic Explorations Program to research Cuban educational practices. Announcement here.

AACRAO-AICE Accreditation Survey

Posted on: June 5th, 2018 by Adam Freeman

AICE partners with AACRAO: The 60-Second Survey from AACRAO, in partnership with AICE, examines institutional policies pertaining to accreditation status and the acceptance of credit and degrees from foreign institutions. View the survey results here.

NAFSA IEM Newsletter Inverview with Jasmin Saidi-Kuehnert

Posted on: June 5th, 2018 by Adam Freeman

NAFSA IEM Newletter Spotlight on AICE President, Jasmin Saidi-Kuehnert. Read the interview here.

ENIC-NAIRC Bologna Bachelor Degree Presentation

Posted on: June 5th, 2018 by Adam Freeman

AICE President presented a session at the ENIC-NARIC meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark on the U.S. perspective on the three-year Bologna-compliant bachelor’s degrees. Download here.

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Jasmin Saidi Kuehnert selected for AACRAO chair

Posted on: June 13th, 2017 by Adam Freeman

AACRAO has selected Jasmin Saidi Kuehnert as the IESC EDGE chair.

A link to the article can be found here.

Updated Notes on Authentication of Cuban Documentation

Posted on: April 24th, 2017 by Adam Freeman

SDR Educational Consultants, Inc.

(Evaluations and Translations)

Notes regarding authentication of Cuban documentation

The Embassy of Cuba in Washington, D.C. (1) legalizes current diplomas and transcripts and (2) requests transcripts and diplomas directly from Cuba.

  • Legalization: The embassy sends documents to MINREX in Cuba; once documents are back from MINREX to the embassy, the embassy legalizes with stamps and seals.
  • Document request: The embassy can request duplicate diplomas and transcripts.

Contact information:

Consular section of Embassy of Cuba in Washington, DC:

Consular Jurisdiction:
Address: 2630 16th street NW Washington DC 20009
Phones: 202-797-8518 / -8519 / -8520

Fax:  202-797-8521

(4-19-17:  Link has been updated.)

Servicios consulares / consular services  (very detailed information on various types of services including request for educational documents:

Language button at top will lead to English…mostly.

Legalización y certificación de documentos cubanos / Legalization and certification of Cuban documents:

Servicio que se ofrece para que los documentos emitidos en nuestro país surtan efecto en el exterior, para ello deben. / Service offered so that documents issued in our country take effect abroad; they should:

  • Los documentos cubanos, para que surtan efecto en el exterior deben estar primeramente legalizados por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (MINREX) y luego por nuestro consulado. Es por ello que, cuando usted necesite legalizar un documento, puede realizarlo a través de nuestro consulado, por lo que debe. / To take effect abroad, Cuban documents must first be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX) and then by our consulate. That is why, when you need to legalize a document, you can do it through our consulate, so you must:
  • Presentar en el consulado el documento original, legalizado por el MINREX y un Postal Money Order por $40.00 USD, para legalizarlo en el consulado. / At the consulate, present the original document legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Postal Money Order for $ 40.00 USD to legalize at the consulate.
  • Si ya Usted tiene el documento, el consulado ofrece el servicio de enviarlo al MINREX a legalizar, que tiene un costo de $25.00 USD, sólo por el envío. / If you have the document, the consulate offers the service of sending it to the Foreign Ministry to legalize, which has a cost of $ 25.00 USD, just for shipping.
  • Cuando llegue el documento legalizado por el MINREX, se le contactará para que envie un Postal Money Order de $80.00 USD (40.00 USD por la legalización del MINREX y $40.00 USD por la legalización en el consulado). / When the document legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, you will be contacted to send a Postal Money Order of $ 80.00 USD ($40.00 USD Minrex legalization and $40.00 USD for legalization at the consulate).
  • Recuerde que si no se presenta en el consulado debe añadir un  Postal Money Order por valor de $20.00 dólares (trámite no personal). / Remember that if you do not pick up at the consulate, you must add a Postal Money Order in the amount of $ 20.00 (non-personal pending).
  • No olvide el sobre de retorno. / Do not forget the return envelope.

(4-19-17:  Link is still operational.)

Solicitud de documento de estudio / request for educational document (template in pdf):

(4-19-17:  Link and contact information have been updated.)

In terms of reaching Consultoría Jurídica and/or Bufete Internacional, this information is provided by the US Embassy in Havana ( and republished by Sambla’s financial arm.

Consultoría Jurídica Internacional (Casa no. 1)
Calle 16 No. 314 e/ 3ra y 5ta
Miramar, Playa, Ciudad Habana
Phone: (+53) 7204-1318
(+53) 7204-8402
FAX: (+53) 7204-2303

Consultoría Jurídica Internacional (Casa no. 2)
Calle 22 no. 108 e/1ra y 3ra
Miramar, Playa, Ciudad Habana
Phone: (+53) 7204-5906/ (+53) 7204-5702
Fax: (+53) 7204-5721/ (+53) 7204-5717

Bufete de Servicios Especializados
23 y J Vedado, Ciudad Habana
Phone: (+53) 7832-6813 / (+53) 7832-6024
Fax: (+53) 7833-2159
E-MAIL: or

Bufete Internacional
Ave. 5ta no. 4002 Esq. a 40
Playa, Ciudad Habana
Phone: (+53) 7204-5126/27
(+53) 7204-5736/37
Fax: (+53) 7204-5125

Provided by Barbara B. Glave; ATA-Certified Translator (S-E); Senior Credentials Analyst / Researcher;

SDR Educational Consultants, Inc.; 2600 Gessner, Suite 267; Houston, Texas 77080-3898;

713-460-3525 / Fax: 713-460-5344; /

SDR is an Endorsed Member of AICE, the Association of International Credential Evaluators, Inc.

Setting the Standard for Credentials Evaluations